
It's gotta be your crew over at CTP, right?


Today I am liking #risingstar because I see a potential project in there.




@metzli! Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @bradleyarrow. (2/50)

I like the Papa John's coin... Sorry The #PIZZA



@flquin! Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @bradleyarrow. (3/50)

I used to go crazy all over the place. For now give me everything #leo.
Easier to track around.
I forgot to mention #sim from #dcity.
I use it for liquidity.


Bee also, I honestly love that token also and it level of development too