
Thanks for your tip @bradleyarrow, much appreciated.
It is annoying these spam comments but the CTP tribe knows you better and we will just disregard it.
I hope they will stop soon!

bradleyarrow is a hacker/hacked account.
@pjansen.ctp please do not click on any links it may post. More info: 1 | 2. Sincerely, @keys-defender
Comment 10% downvoted to make it less visible. This message is self-voted to be more visible among others.

Give me a break

bradleyarrow is a hacker/hacked account.
@keys-defender please do not click on any links it may post. More info: 1 | 2. Sincerely, @keys-defender
Comment 10% downvoted to make it less visible. This message is self-voted to be more visible among others.

Command accepted!