
Phone is slower than laptop in my view.

Exactly, that's why I need to gather some fun and repair my laptop, so that I will be up and doing.
I just want to be like you on hive, you are my boss and I want to learn more things from you .

Keep building.

That is the secret.

Boss ☺️☺️

In some cases yes, but to bring music to a party I discovered a technique that makes it faster.


Sometimes I see that colored circle disappear, but the Threadcast continues...

Does that mean you're not online? To end the Threadcast (disappear from the top of the feed), just click on "live update" to turn it off, right?

when you are active or the threadcast is active, is gonna be like that for hours until it will go off on its own. Either you are only or not.

I didn't know that it turns off by itself... it has a certain time, like 6 hours?

exactly 🥂🥂, and maybe in 12 hours,

Thanks for the infomation, now i got it.

You are most welcome 🤗🤗🤗, we gat each other back.