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RE: Let's Get Physical

in LeoFinancelast year

Confidence and liquidity matter too.

Distressed sellers of property can cause crashes if people sell all at once.

Do Kwon's panic-selling of bitcoin to get the funds to prop up TerraLuna tanked the price from $45,000 to $16,000.

Central bank selling of gold reserves in the late 1990's tanked the price to $200 an ounce.

What we need most is good govt, but it's rarer than hen's teeth. We finally got a PM who stabalised things last Oct (Rishi Sunak) but it looks like he'll lose the election for being "too clever". Opposition leader is a slippery flip-flopper who changes all his policies every eight months or so, depending on the media fashion of the moment. I wish people would stop regarding politics as a game.