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RE: LeoThread 2022-12-19 23:28

in LeoFinancelast year

Being consistent in what you do is one of the best habits you can develop.

It becomes an easily transferable skills in different contexts. One of them being content creation in #crypto blogs.

#threads #lifehack


Great advice, but easier said than done!

Everyone... well everyone except taskmaster4450, struggles with consistency from time to time.

Do you have any advice for developing the habit and staying the course no matter what?

Set a specific time aside for x habit. For example, since I do crypto part time, I have my 5pm - 7pm set for developing crypto content, working on posts, articles, and researching.

Then it builds up

2/2; Breaks are also OK. You don't need to make a habit for 7/7 days. It could become a stale routine that you'll hate.

So set it as a 4/7, 5/7, or 6/7 days schedule. If you miss one of the days, try to substitute it with one of the free/cheat days.

take notes when you have ideas and come back to them later. bookmark posts and articles. watch your thoughts in the shower ;).

You could not have said it better. There are skills that we develop on this platform that will help in your day to day life #threads

Consistency is really key to success. Thanks for your advice