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RE: Big picture suggestion - building a Thorchain interface into LeoFinance

in LeoFinance3 years ago

I think that would be cool, especially with ETH being so pricy if you can leverage rune and BNB chain you can switch between assets pretty quickly and if you're in the LP pools others can benefit from making sure users can get in and out.

Opening up flows of capital is important, yes some will flow our and some will flow in and that's the nature of the beast

Giving people the flexibility to interact with LEO on the chain and service they like is an awesome idea.

I see tBridge is launching on TRON that allows you to wrap ERC-20s on there chain too.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


It'd be great to see WLEO front and center as the next wave of DEXs (like Thorchain) scale up.

I'll have to look in to tBridge, I must admit I've payed little attention to TRON for a while.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta