Cross-chain compatible synthetic asset protocol Linear Finance token sale information

in LeoFinance4 years ago


The public sale of Linear Finance's LINA token, which aims to build a cross-chain compatible decentralized asset protocol that allows users to trade synthetic assets quickly, inexpensively, and securely , is starting today (September 14) at 9 a.m. Korean time. It starts .

round detail.png

The total amount of LINA tokens allocated to the public sale is 47,222,222, divided into 2 rounds and allocated at the same price as above. When participating in the token sale , you can only participate in USDT (ERC20) or USDC (ERC20), and the number of people who can participate in the LINA token sale is limited to a maximum of 400 people .

(1) Token information

token metrics.jpeg

  • Token Symbol (Ticker): LINA
  • Initial total supply: 10,000,000,000
  • Initial total circulation: 257,666,666
  • Initial total supply distribution information: see table below


For more detailed token information, please refer to the link below.

(2) How to participate

  • Token sale registration starts at 09:00 on Monday, September 14, 2020 based on Korean time.
  • At that time, you must access the public link through the official Telegram, Discord, and Twitter, fill out the Google form, and submit.
  • In Google Form, you need to enter your name, email address, Ethereum wallet address, nationality, and answers to three questions.
  • The first 400 people will be given a link to submit KYC by email, and users who receive the KYC link must complete KYC within 12 hours.
  • Once KYC is approved, you can complete the participation by sending 500USDT or 500USDC to the wallet address provided.

(3) Linear Finance official social link


Linear Finance is already receiving a lot of attention from the community as a large number of famous VCs including NGC Ventures, Alameda Research, Hashed, CMS Holdings, Genesis Block, etc. have participated as strategic investors and have already completed fundraising of $1.8 million. . This LINA Token Sale is also expected to close in a few seconds, and a decent price increase is expected, so if you are interested, please participate.

Posted Using LeoFinance


Guau what fantastic oportunity to people with a lot of money to invest in this kind of presale token because the normal people sometimes do not have the oportunity to enter, imagine i say hey could you please sale me $12.00 of your tokens, they say me are you kidding me get out here, or maybe could get my 75 tokens jaaaaaaa.
Have a great day.

Posted Using LeoFinance

Thank you friend

Posted Using LeoFinance