I'm Back and I'm Buying more Packs!

in LeoFinance2 years ago

After weeks of being too busy to post anything or purchase card packs, I finally have some time at hand and will start buying card packs again. For instance, just earlier, I've bought 12 Rising Star card packs for 100,000 STARBITS.

For those not aware, I started buying card packs a few months back so that I could do the STARBITS Millionaire mission again. Currently, I have 14,920 Fans, just 8,280 short of the required 23,200 Fans. Yeah, I still have a long way to go but I'm getting there.

Anyway, enough with that and let's get on with the card pack(s) opening.

1st Pack

So my first pack wasn't so hot as I expected to get a rare artist but got a rare musical instrument instead. Still, R261 Bull Horn wasn't too bad as it will increase the amount of skill I'll need when I do Music Lessons. Now to the 2nd card pack.

2nd Pack

Ah yes, now we're talking! So the 2nd pack netted me two common artists and a R251 Paige which gives 125 Fans and 150 Skill. Not bad, not bad indeed. Hopefully, the 3rd pack will also be as good.

3rd Pack

Ouch! I might have just jinxed myself there as the 3rd pack holds nothing but musical instruments... R265 Battle Mic being the best of the three. Oh well! One can't get lucky every time. Maybe the next pack would fare better. Let's take a look!

4th Pack

Well... two common artists and a R262 RS20 Amp. It's better than the 3rd pack but not by much. That said, musical instrument are also good so it's still okay. Moving on!

5th Pack

There you go! Three artists; two commons, and one R270 Copper that gives 130 Fans and 120 Skill. Yeah, I like this pack. Now let's move on to the 6th pack. Will I get something good?

6th Pack

Nice! The 6th pack gave me a musical instrument and two artists, one being R251 Paige. Yeah, it's my 2nd copy of Paige but I still prefer it to a musical instrument as I needed the fans. Let's go 7th pack!

7th Pack

I should really stop jinxing myself... So as one can see, the 7th pack gave me nothing but musical instruments, again. I don't even feel like listing the rare card. Oh well, onto the next pack!

8th Pack

Uh-oh... it's not looking good -- another rare musical instrument -- R275 Slide Whistle. Thankfully, I got two common artists that gave 5 and 10 Fans, respectively. Anyway, moving on!

9th Pack

Cool! An R277 Asher. Fifty (50) Fans weren't much but it's better than nothing. Also, the 150 Skill was nice so I'm good with the 9th pack. On to the 10th pack!

10th Pack

The 10th pack contained R256 Clark, a rare artist card that gives 150 Fans and 150 Skill. Rare cards that gives such high stats were, you know, rare, and I love getting one of them every time. A good pack.

11th Pack

The 11th pack didn't give anything too exciting. In fact, it gave me another R261 Bull Horn which was okay, I guess? Thankfully, the two common artists cards gave 20 Fans in total so the pack's not a total disaster.

12th Pack

The last or 12th pack gave me an R252 Dane. The card added 125 Fans and 100 Skill, rather average for a rare artist card. But hey, it could have been worse, right? So yeah, the 12th pack was pretty okay, I think?

We've finally opened all 12 card packs. As one can see, this bunch didn't give me an epic or legendary card which I kinda expected considering my luck. That being said, despite my horrible luck, I would still keep buying card packs till I reached my goal. Who knows, I might get lucky next time, right?

Anyway, that's all I have for now. Thanks again for your time. Till next time!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


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