
Yup, to make sure you don't over work and blend what you're doing at work with home.

That can be hard... Now that we are theoretically always "at work" some people just seem to expect you are always available. I'm already noticing an increase in meetings before 9 am and after 6 pm in the company I work for.

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Yeah that is a challenge and depending on your pay packet it will dictate alot about that stuff. I used to hate pre 8am meetings when I start at 9

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yea.. that used to be frowned upon by people at work when we were at the office but now it's become more and more normal.

A couple of weeks ago I was actually having a daily meeting that would start at 8 PM.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

That's because people want to get the "required" work out of the way so they can have the rest of the day to do what they need/want to do. I always wanted my meetings early so they didn't disrupt the flow of the rest of my day.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

One of the draw backs of drawing a salary. Pay is not tied to hours worked.

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Agree , the lifestyle changes a bit if WFH becomes permanent .

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