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RE: Leo Talk 6/17/21 - Come Join Our Chat

in LeoFinance3 years ago


Back in the day I used to hate spam comments and I would even downvote them or try to explain that what they are doing is wrong and so on. But lets be real for a minute, spammers don't give a flying F about what's considered abusive behavior, as long as they can squeeze some profits they will continue spamming away. Only people with big downvotes have a chance to teach them a lesson. As time passed I've learned that it can be pretty funny to reply to such comments in the most idiotic way possible, especially if others join in on the fun.
Even if something is annoying there are ways to turn it into something that brings smiles to people and that's a lesson that I learned for the first time on Hive.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


So what do you consider spam comments?

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

things like "nice post"

Another hilarious meme, thanks. There was a bot some years ago that had to do with an elephant that could be called like the bots we have now such as beer, wine and pizza.

The elephant bot would link to an article on how not to be a spammy curator.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta