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RE: Hive Power Up and Sponsor

in LeoFinance4 months ago

You're welcome! :D

It's a cool program, you basically send 1 Hive to the steembasicincome account with a name in the memo of it and it will add a Basic Income share for you and the person you are sponsoring. So by me adding you to the Basic Income message, you got a "share" in the program and I got another one.

Truth be told, it's not a LOT of return on investment especially when Hive raises in price but I think it's a great way to support people in an alternative way! Your shares add up until it reaches a point where you get a pay out which is a vote from the Basic Income account.

I have 479 shares and I have a "balance" of .30xxx in the program with my next vote on my next post being .1. It's a pretty cool program and obviously the more shares you have, the more votes and stronger votes you get!


I'm definitely gonna have to check it out, but thank you again for the shout out. It's always nice to be noticed and appreciated 🙂💛

Enjoy the weekend!