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RE: Totally clueless no longer

in LeoFinance4 years ago

I should get around to using my Ledger wallet but like you, I need to be in the right frame of mind to do it. Coinbase is my primary and I don't know if they have such an easy relationship with a hardware wallet since it takes funds out of the exchange itself and I know they don't enjoy that.

Glad that you moved your trillions out! I dislike having them vulnerable but spreading them across a few exchanges will be my better plan of attack. All of them can't scam me out of my trillions, so that's some solace for me at the moment. I will have to look into Exodus to see if they allow 'Muricans to use their site.


Exodus is a decent wallet, as far as my novice experience goes. They love everybody.

I cant recall who put me onto Exodus but I've always found it to work well. I think maybe @tarazkp told me about it. Check it out and see how it goes.

Yeah, my experience is fairly novice as well. I had experimented with using my hardware wallet but got scared that I would lose my money by entering in the keys wrong lol so I didn't put anything on it. Having that extra layer of capability to work with the exchange I use will be an added bonus. I'll let you know how I fare!

I think it's important to have some level of understanding which is why I keep adding an extra layer of understanding little by little; It means the divide between cluelessness and understanding isn't as wide. My next task is to use the living room of satoshi payment gateway to transfer a small amount of crypto to my bank and also pay a bill with crypto...Just so I know how. To date, three years, I've not taken one cent of my crypto holdings out into fiat. Just want to know how it works.

Good luck with yours. It all requires a degree of clarity of mind and patience I guess, but it's best to know how to do some of these things right?