
For sure, you're welcome man.

The shut down is fucked up, not that others haven't been fucked up but tying it to money for other fucking countries is appalling and typical corrupt government.. I could go on but I'm sure it's nothing new to you, who would be impacted by it.

I'll go on a bit about it in my next article but I'll be tamed. Fornately they passed something hours before the deadline so I can work and get paid today and don't have implement a plan B.

Yeah I'll have to see what they did, since I'm not as close to it I don't keep up with it. Most likely going to throw billions more into the fucking toilet that is Ukraine. No offense to the citizens themselves but this is money laundering on a grand scale.

Ukraine was not in the resolution but this is only a temporarily 45 days, but it keeps the government as a whole open. Been watching these budget proposals for years friend. It's sickening and I won't get into politics but I will say our politicians act like spoiled children on both sides.

That they do man.. that they do.