
jeje another strategy we need to come up with Super Eli!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Jeje! Yes, we need to figure it out. But I think we first have to grow our accounts. With the new rules of the Millionaire card, we can run the mission once for every 100 fans, so I think it's better to have a good amount of them before getting the card.

Well I have next to no starbits, so a million may as well be a billion at the moment Super Eli jajaja

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I have next to no starbits either and the few ones I earn, I'm investing in cards to increase the number of fans. So let's see when I start saving up for that million too, hehe

Yes I am investing in cards too, like a catch-22 situation!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I can relate, Jaja

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I know Super Eli!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta