

and pointless


When you have to admit that you were wrong; I expect you to transfer 100% of you Hive to me, as your reparation.

Show me the MONEY!

I have a deal for you! 💵

If you can prove that any of the 237 accounts that you claim are owned by JCornel, other that JonDoe. I will pay over all of my Hive account to you. A $150.00 windfall to you.

On the contrary; you have slandered a close friend of mine. If you cannot prove your false accusations; you will pay over to me the entire balance of your Hive account.

I am anxiously awaiting my over $8,000.00 payment.

Do the right thing and accept my challenge! And then I will be accepting your apology as well.


You are posting both slander & libel. Now go prove me right!

Not sure why you are spending so so much time trying to edit out all of your comments to me. My attorney already has screen shots of every negative/slanderous/libelous comment that you have ever made towards me & my nephew. According to California law; I have 12 months from each comment to commence action.

A simple apology and reparations will go much farther than spending your time trying to erase your bad faith dealings towards us 👍💰👍

Nothing was erased for you, I erased everything for myself.

I have ended the conversation, if you want to continue it with litigation and/or threats, that is up to you.