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RE: Handing Stablecoins To Banks: The Need For HBD

As is nearly always the case I have to agree with you in the main. Most particularly I would paraphrase your post and say that those who have made careers out of ‘power brokering’ see crypto as a threat and are taking action to reign it in and control it as you point out.

One point I would argue is that law and regulation can have a significant detrimental impact. This has always been the primary tool of the power brokers. Such regulation can make it illegal to own, transact or otherwise work with crypto, at least here in America. As an example, think of the laws that regulated the price of gold and its ownership that existed for decades here (until the early 1970’s). When push comes to shove it’s all about control.

Fortunately laws and regulations can be overturned however the process, as things stand in the political arena, is much harder than preventing them in the first place. As you point out it is time to circle the wagons. What you so rightly point out is already being attempted is in fact an attack upon the fundamental rights of individuals. As such the actions being taken are in fact unconstitutional.

Your call to action in development within the Hive ecosystem and the cryptosphere in general is a critical part of any defense. However I would suggest a political counter attack is also necessary. I would argue that a significant segment of our community membership also need to come together and contend with the power brokers in a more direct political engagement. By challenging the constitutionality of current political action we can, at the very least, buy time for development in the ecosystem to become so entrenched that they can’t root it out. One of the great advantages of the cryptoverse is to serve as a counter to propagandized media and Hive in particular can allow for crowdsourcing as a means to build effective political opposition.

The work you do here is an excellent example of the power we can wield in counterpoint to the power brokers. The question I would ask is can we generate the collective will to defend the hard work so many have already undertaken and to protect our collective, inalienable rights?

Thanks for another delightful perspective and the hard work.
Blessed be


Certainly we are seeing political figures lining up on both sides of the aisle in favor of cryptocurrency. However, when it comes to that realm, we know that money tends to drive the show. We have a lot of fossils ingrained into the system like Biden, Pelosi, and McConnell who have no idea what any of this is about other than they have to stop it.

For that reason, while political can help, I think our true power is to develop around them. You dont win playing the game these constructed and rigged. Instead, we have to change the rules of the game in my opinion.

They are looking at slowing things down, we have to accelerate them.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta