
@joheredia21 y @vikvitnik, you have done an incredible job promoting the #spanish tag. You deserve everything.

Thank you very much, it was a great team effort

Many thanks to you and the interaction you have had with me. It was undoubtedly fundamental to achieve it.

This Battle Weekend was extremely intense and tiring. People took it seriously and made an absurd amount of Threads! Despite that, the experience was interesting and we could see that the network could handle more intense traffic.

The network resisted the unexpected. Incredible all the traffic that was generated.

Do you think the bosses were slow? I think they were not 100% really.

Here here.


Your performance is incredible. You emerged from nowhere to rally to the top of the table.

Ahi, demuestra consistencia! 😂 que nadie diga que ya terminó esto!

First of all, many thanks to @andrewmusic and @tsunsica for accompanying me on this path. We have literally had a sustained conversation for 72 hours and it has been very incredible.

This was a great experience having you to talk too and enjoy this challenge. Engagement is the key to the top

@janetedita, @garorant and @jordy0827 I admire and respect you, with the connectivity of Cuba they have achieved a magnificent result.

@janetedita thanks again for the RC 🙏.

Eso te incluye, y gracias a ti por toda la retroalimentacion!

Oe sí! Felicidades! Ya salieron los resultados? Igual sé que ganaste esta batalla de finde porque andabas to loco

@taskmaster4450 you've been a hard nut, I know you slowed down, you're a beast, a machine.

My respects.

this was a lot of fun bro. thanks for giving us a play by play recap

It was a great battle. It was a pleasure to have participated!

And so as not to be forgetful:

Thank you to everyone who has crossed paths with me in these 72 hours.

Que lo repitan, no? Jaj

Por supuesto, pero que nos dejen descansar un ratico 😂.

I am not able to write some usernames (we have very strange names and I include myself) and searching for them in my TL would be crazy worse than what we just did.
