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RE: Daily commenting strategy on Hive

in LeoFinance2 years ago

Wise words and practical advice. When I first joined Hive, I used it mostly as a bulletin board...I just posted stuff and walked away. I got very little action or traction. A couple of years later, I came back and decide I needed to engage more, engage in a real, authentic manner. That's made all the difference. I still need to do better on this, the time factor is always the obstacle, but the secret on Hive really isn't even a secret:

  1. post original content
  2. post quality content
  3. engage with others authentically
  4. stick with it
    Good things will happen. !LUV

You're also in another category of someone who is offering value via the products you're building.

In my opinion, those with stake shouldn't be shy to support dev work via upvotes.

PS. I love the concept of Hivebits where every single one in existence means that someone actually took action by calling the bot in a social post on chain.

Keep up the great work!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

PS. I love the concept of Hivebits where every single one in existence means that someone actually took action by calling the bot in a social post on chain.

I think this is one of the things that makes it different. I'm writing a post talking about this, hopefully this week some time I'll get it out.