Sideways Is Good

in LeoFinance23 days ago


The above chart shows the Hive token over the last 6 weeks and is the exact same pattern for my other crypto investments. Since the Bitcoin halving we are going sideways and that has to be seen as a good thing if you are accumulating and building your portfolio.

When you have goals of one day earning a living from your crypto investment then the need for far more is real. Fortunately only a few seem to think this and the masses not in crypto have no idea this is even a genuine earning possibility. For most crypto is boom or bust and that is because they have not dug deep enough to where the real money is being made.

The idea that anyone can make $10K per month through their crypto portfolio by having it staked is the reality and something I have been working on for well over 2 years now. Over the last 6 and a bit years I have found the boring side ways movement the best time to grow because with prices being consistent for once growth is also consistent. I just know that the $10K is doable if you give it the time required and 2-3 crypto cycles is plenty of time to achieve this. Nowhere in the real world will you find such an easy opportunity to change your life.

Each day knowing you have x amount of tokens to farm on various crypto projects that are staked means you are accumulating wealth. This wealth is compounding and over time will reveal some serious values that will put the real world money on offer each month to shame.

Very few understand what is being built because the majority only see price but at the same time are not increasing the volume of tokens they have. Everyone who is busy staking is pulling ahead of the pack and this is what will ultimately make the big difference between those that have and those that don't.

Everyday I am amazed at how much selling still goes on in crypto which is fine because we all have choices.

Back in March the COTI Treasury had 31 million more COTI staked than it does today which tells me many of the bigger accounts are selling their APR rewards and taking profit. Still today they are still selling those rewards and cannot wait for the price to rise which is what amazes me as we all know price are going to rise possibly by 10 or 20 x still reaching a climax later next year.

This is the easy time to grow and a time you will look back on fondly what was achieved over this period. Growing in crypto is not difficult as long as you have a plan that is simple and one you can execute. If you are still poor after 2 or 3 cycles then possibly you need to adjust your plan because it is obviously not working. There should be no excuses for anyone of us who is here now involved in crypto to be worrying about finances come 2030. This is not difficult and we need to make this time count the best we can.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


The experience gains through the past crypto cycles should propel our portfolios to optimized positions when the right time to sell present itself. Worry free finance is at the horizon...

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