
It isnt going to be market driven but building.

HIVE will appreciate based upon sustainable growth. Until there is utility offer on the network, we arent going anywhere.

yep and the old "hive guard" "i have been here for 6 years" type of people sure as heck aren't building.

No doubt. That is true for those who arent in the old guard yet complain about then OG.

They arent building either.

it will take more CEX listings (which will not happen)
or more DEX listings (which no one is working on)
the difficulty in buying Hive is the reason it remains low.

It's ironic how "back when" someone proposed having a dedicated exchange liaison and PR person representing Hive, it was practically booed off the stage as "a waste of money and effort."

There's still an element around here who seems to operate under the illusion (delusion?) that we're so special our $*it don't stink...

oh all the "i earned my Hive from spam and bidbots" that crowd?
yep can't wait for them to go away, and it will happen.