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RE: Why do you want to be rich?

in LeoFinance4 years ago

Well. A lot of people have a lot of reasons to be rich and every reason is vaild :D

I mainly wanna be rich, so I have the option to retire at age 50! (20 years from now). I might not retire, but I would love to have the option!

I do also wanna spent a bit on fun stuff :D Such as getting a Tesla and properly a expensive watch! But thats all the fun for me, I would rather just travel and sed the world as the fun stuff :D

A third reason would be to have the funds to help others! I am not talking about just giving it away, but teaching people money management and kick start their savings/investing career or somethibg like that


Love the way this sounds. I'd like to buy a fancy watch, travel to fun places and eat exotic meals.

Ye right?
Lile being the richest person in the grave doesn't sound fun :D
Rather spent some!

One of my rich uncle died with a lot of money in his bank account, and so they used the money in his account to bury him. I don't want to be that guy.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Extactly. Don't sound fun at all!