Why do you want to be rich?

in LeoFinance3 years ago

Yesterday I was having one of those weird philosophical conversation with an acquaintance I met recently. We talked about a bunch of topics that included money and lifestyle.


According to him, a good life is measured by how much flexing and "fun shit" you can do during your short life. He doesn't understand why anyone will decide to live a secluded life and thinks it is lame.

According to him, getting rich is all about making enough money to spend on fun shit. This differs slightly from my simplistic lifestyle that also wants to be rich but simply because of the principle of it.

On the surface of it, he makes some salient points about being rich and flexing. He talked about the shortness of life and why he will enjoy himself more often. They all make sense because you're here today and gone tomorrow, not much we can do about that.

However, the problem with this way of reasoning is that it doesn't consider the simple fact that nobody stays rich by spending money.

Perhaps he's right, and that we only live for a short time so if you have money, live it up. Then again, I'm also sceptical about just simply having fun and I enjoy the process of getting money.

At the end of the day, we're both different people, with different views. The question is, what do you think about being rich.


Well. A lot of people have a lot of reasons to be rich and every reason is vaild :D

I mainly wanna be rich, so I have the option to retire at age 50! (20 years from now). I might not retire, but I would love to have the option!

I do also wanna spent a bit on fun stuff :D Such as getting a Tesla and properly a expensive watch! But thats all the fun for me, I would rather just travel and sed the world as the fun stuff :D

A third reason would be to have the funds to help others! I am not talking about just giving it away, but teaching people money management and kick start their savings/investing career or somethibg like that

Love the way this sounds. I'd like to buy a fancy watch, travel to fun places and eat exotic meals.

Ye right?
Lile being the richest person in the grave doesn't sound fun :D
Rather spent some!

One of my rich uncle died with a lot of money in his bank account, and so they used the money in his account to bury him. I don't want to be that guy.

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Extactly. Don't sound fun at all!

As long as he is not living paycheck to paycheck, I kind of agree with him. Dr. Jordan Peterson actually says something very similar to this, in that once you make a certain amount of money per year, increasing your income will not result in improved quality of life because the amount of work you must put in after that is so much you will not have hardly any free time. He suggests that people only work that many hours if they actually enjoy the work, rather than because they want more money.

Financial freedom. Independence from others is at the top of my priorities.
Using the wealth to become self sustainable in a post world War 3 apocalypse.

I have very low expectations for this race, this virus almost ruined half the developed world, so I am not feeling very confident yet to have some faith in trusting others.

Lmao. I feel you on this one. Ost world war 3 will be fucking disastrous. If shit goes bad, then I hope I'm just dead anyway

lol lets go jump into the artic ocean in protest of the war and make a live stream for hive LOL Im with you there, why would I want to be alive to harm another human being, lol I dont even want to wait in line at the coffee shop talking with them, totally will pass on fighting them to the death too!

i dont wanna be rich - i just wanna be 'not homeless' LOL

it would be nice to wake up and make my own decisions instead of the daily 'grind' for bare survival

i would much rather be writing code in a nice environment with a nice view - this trailer on someone else property is cold and damp - and i have to turn the elec heater off to turn on the hot water heater for a 5 minute shower.

well, at least i'm not in a tent yet.

next year has got to better than this one

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I hope you make enough money to buy your own place up front and things get better for you real soon mate. Fingers crossed for next year

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We grew up very poor and I always wanted to get out of that situation. I began to notice that many people in that neighborhood almost wallowed in the poverty, with no motivation to get out of it. We eventually moved to a much better area whuch opened up new possibilities.

The other reason is that when you've lived in need, you always want to help others who are suffering as well. No matter how wealthy I would get, I'll always remember what it was like to have nothing. I also believe in an afterlife and that this existence is sort of a "proving ground" and we will all have to account for the actions we take here.

I've always wanted to get so rich that I could help people like MrBeast does on YouTube. I've also wanted to just provide help anonymously to others, so that their dignity is preserved.

If you died today, what legacy would you leave behind? Did you ease the way for others as someone did for you? If you look at the most successful "self made" people, each of them had crucial support at a critical moment, which allowed doors to open for them that were closed to others. When you stand in front of the Creator and have to give an account of your life, what are you going to say?

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I'm not a Christian but I have always felt like there's an afterlife and we'll account for our deeds on Earth. I'm s but similar to you in that I have lived in a shitty neighborhood. Luckily for me, we weren't ever piss poor but generally speaking, everyone in Nigeria is poor, we were just less poor. I lived around people that struggled to get the basics like food, lived without electricity and never ever saw running water in their kitchen because their kitchen was just some wood contraption in the open air.

I always want to help as many as I can, but I know that I can't help poor people if I'm one of them, so I strive to have a bit extra, and help who I can help.

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One thing I noticed at some folks, the more they spend the more they earn. Not the case of Warren Buffett of course who earns billions amd drives the same old car and using a Nokia 3310, wouldn't follow his example.

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I think people that spend more also work more. At the end of the day, everything on Earth is so short term and if you don't live when you're alive, you're just going to exist in your lame ass bubble

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Not all of them actually work more, they somehow invite better earning opportunities in their lives.

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So i can laugh at poor people ofc. jeez.

I can already laugh at ugly people... because im sexy af... but now i want to expand that group a little bit.
Simple things in life, you know.

Very classy and very simple, just the way I like it.

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Being rich gives one a sense of "security" and for the most part, that's really why I wanna want more than i had while growing up. When I mean more, I mean millionaire more or maybe even billionaire... lol!

Yes, I also will want to be able to afford some of the cool stuff I see sometimes and "act like i didn't see", just because... And I would love to travel to so many places as well etc.... But all those come after security for me...

While flexing is fun and great, it just wouldn't work for me, so like you said, we all are different, with different views and personalities... I will love the rich "simple" life more, actually....

I think people are overly concerned with becoming rich. Many times we sacrifice so much of our life to earn money, and don't enjoy the money we earn or it comes at the expense of alienating friends and family.

Rich is good if it happens and there's nothing wrong with trying to make it happen. Take time to enjoy life too though.

I would rather have a life rich with experiences. Travel and adventures. I always ask myself how much I really need and what do I need to make me happy. If I can achieve happiness without financial worry, I'm rich!

Money can't buy happiness, but when problems arise, money makes life much easier to deal with.

Some people go though life building a fortune but never really experience a true life. I just never want to be that person. I guess what I'm trying to say is material wealth is awesome as long as it doesn't come at the expense of a life rich with experience.

IDK, this is something I've contemplated a million times. I suppose true wealth differs from person to person based on what they feel is important.

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