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RE: Big picture suggestion - building a Thorchain interface into LeoFinance

in LeoFinance3 years ago

holy mama! what a great idea! I would love to check how my RUNEs are doing from Leo (thanks to you and LeoFinance I bought some RUNEs... sweet!)

If khal can pull this off, then LEO, Hive, Eth, Bitcoin, BNB, ERC-20s... are all connected!!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Yup, would make Leofinance the ultimate cross chain community site.

Enjoy your RUNE, are you holding long term, looking to get it into the LPs, or making a short term play?

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Definitely long term and probably stake half of it. Not good at trading, a hodler type. lol

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta