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RE: The Ultimate Savings Account.

in LeoFinance2 years ago

I'm with you, seems like a no-brainer to me. 60% APY, liquid, plus the current airdrop for another 50+ days and future airdrops. I recently doubled my position there as well.

Right now my focus is on LEO. I'm trying to hit 50k of that while it's still this cheap and then I'll probably go back to stacking HIVE. I really think LEO is in for a pretty significant liquidity squeeze here in the next 6 months. For sure in the lead-up to ProjectBlank, possibly sooner. Plus, I want the LeoPower for votes. It's just a LOT easier to stack things when they're 20 cents as opposed to even 30-40 cents.

I DO think you might be better served to put your PolyCUB airdrop into xPolyCUB but, as you say, there's only so much to go around. If it works like Khal thinks it should with his design, then just a few xPolyCUB could be worth quite a bit in a couple years. That said, if it does indeed work like Khal plans, then there's no reason the future xThorCUB and xAvaxCUB and xFantomCUB shouldn't work just as well or even better than PolyCUB. In that case, you're not necessarily missing out on much with PolyCUB. You're basically just pushing your payoff back 3-6 months.

Time will tell as always.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


I agree with this too. LEO is going to have its day soon enough. I have been stacking CUB during its dip. I wouldn't mind adding to my LEO stake as well... decisions!!! these are good problems to have.

Yeah, XPOLYCUB is the one I am likely to regret, out of everything in this plan. But overall, I think in the long run maximizing my CUB will position me much better overall for future launches. A bit of delayed gratification.

More LEO would be nice to, I think you are on the right track there.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta