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RE: Leo Talk 5/10/21 - Come Join Our Chat (Part 1)

in LeoFinance3 years ago

I am also 10/10. With the development continuing, things will only get better. The infrastructure continues to be put in place for a massive ecosystem and mass adoption. All of this obviously takes time. It can be hard to step back and realize I've only been back for about 3 months now. Feels like years. That's the only downside with being active every day; it can seem that everything is happening at a snail's pace, when in reality it's progressing very rapidly. You also look forward to developments coming out like they're going to change things overnight and that just doesn't happen. It can be very difficult to see the forest for the trees, so to speak.

There is just so much going on behind the scenes right now. As these pieces get added, at some point some entrepreneurial influencer is going to put all the pieces together and explode it onto the scene. Video, blogging, chat, "twitter", low-fee transactions, defi, VR, e-commerce marketplaces, cross-chain interoperability, and I'm sure a few more I'm not remembering right now. The pieces will all be here under the Hive banner, fueled by Hive and this place will rocket into the mainstream consciousness.

Until then I'm just continuing to fill my bags and stacking dripcoins. The returns on just THAT, without price appreciation are still incredible. If and when the price starts moving, it's going to be a helluva ride.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


That is all true. We do not see a lot behind the scenes. There is so much development taking place, that, piecemeal, we are filling in the holes. It does take a lot of time to build things.

I agree about the snail's pace when here everyday. It is like something that we want should be here this afternoon when it really takes weeks of development. We are not a patient lot.

So I am filling my bags also. In due time, we will get the development rolling out that we need.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta