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RE: Leo Talk 7/28/21 - Come Join Our Chat

in LeoFinance3 years ago

I just did it. And, of course, I played the damn game!!! Unbelievable. I raced through the daily quest by going 5 for 5 without having much clue what I was doing but...I better not get hooked!!! Or I'm blaming you!! lol

I did manage to get 7.533 of the SPS tokens dropped to me. Do I have to claim them daily or will they just stack up and I can claim them whenever? Anybody know?

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Do you use another Hive account to play #Splinterlands? 🤔 I could not see your cards at 🕵️‍♂️😅

All I have are the ones they gave me at the beginning so....don't know what to tell you. I'm a complete newbie as far as anything dealing with that game goes. I lost my first two "practice" battles because I couldn't figure out how to start. lol

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Many things are difficult when you do them the first time. 😂

the ones they gave me at the beginning

Do you mean those that they let you use (not necessarily transfer ownership to you)? 🤔😀

I will say I was lucky/smart enough to buy about 33000 DEC a month ago for a total of 133 HIVE and I just checked and could sell it today for 655 HIVE. So about a 5x over the last month not factoring in the price of HIVE. Plus I'm now getting the airdrop so...I managed to hop on the train before it got moving too fast. Would have been even smarter to buy some of those packs but...oh well. Live and learn.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

You got 7+ SPS tokens, but I got only 4+ of them, even after I played more than 8 months and collected hundreds of cards. 🤯

How much DEC do you have? I got most of my SPS for having 33k DEC and 33k SPT. In fact, I got ALL of my SPS for owning those since I don't have any extra cards or NFTs or land or whatever....

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I don't stack DEC right now, since I trade them for HIVE right away since its value is way above its pegged price of $0.001 per 1 DEC. 😅