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RE: Daily Crypto Markets Live Blog: What can you share about different blockchains? (09/19/21)

in LeoFinance3 years ago

I'm very much looking forward to the Pulsechain when it launches. Fees will be pennies and you will be able to stake it and earn interest. It will also have "the world's largest airdrop" by forking the Ethereum chain at the same time upgrading it to deal with scaling and fees, as well as alleviating the environmental issues associated with ProofofWork.

It's definitely going to be very speculative to start with, but once it gets it's feet underneath it, I think it could be a monster winner.

The community is extremely active and it's on its way to going viral with HEX continuing to lead the way trading up over 51 cents last night and marching higher. It's a helluva chart if you haven't looked at it.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


I keep forgetting to check it out but it's definitely making a lot of noise! I hear about it a lot in various crypto circles that I'm a part of

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Those who got into Hex early are happy campers. It is killing it.

We will see how things work out. Richard Heart is a lot of things but he is also smart.

He might well be onto something.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

That's the crazy thing, it still is early. Once you understand how it all works it just makes a ton of sense.

Like any crypto, HEX is not going to go straight up forever. As he points out, it has crashed/corrected over 60-70% at least a half dozen times so far. And I'm sure it will again. And again. But like Bitcoin, it continues to come back and make new highs.

Once the Pulsechain comes out, I wouldn't be surprised to see a very big sell-off of HEX. The "new" HEX on the Pulsechain will have much, much lower fees and chances are it will take most of the new money coming into it if for no other reason than the transaction fees will literally be pennies as compared to the HUNDREDS of DOLLARS on the ETH chain. It's hard for people to invest $200, $300, even $1000 on ETH right now when the transaction itself could eat up 20% or more of what you're putting in.

Time will tell, as always. I'll just keep building my HIVE/LEO/CUB bags and HODLing my Bitcoin and see where that takes me. I'm liking the direction so far....

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

The more I read bout Pulsechain, the more it intrigues me.

It's gotta be our next Crypto Guide.

Can you just give us a simple explainer as to where HEX fits into Pulsechain?

I just don't really understand the link.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

There really isn't one. The only link is that the developer/creator of HEX (Richard Heart) is the guy behind building Pulsechain.

Once Pulsechain launches, there will be two HEX's. One on the ETH chain (the current one), and a duplicate on the Pulsechain. Everything you have on the ETH chain will be duplicated on the Pulsechain. And then there will be a crazy few hours? days? weeks? of price discovery on the new chain.

I mean, they're going to fork the entire ETH chain, fully loaded. You see these cryptos that fork ETH but they do it empty so their token is the only thing on it, and then they build it out from there. RH's plan is to bring Pulsechain out fully loaded with a Uniswap fork set up with currency pairs and a bridge from the ETH chain to the Pulsechain.

It really is flippin' crazy. No one knows how its going to pan out, or even IF it's going to pan out for that matter. BUT, the chain will be cheaper, faster, more efficient, less environmentally detrimental, and easier to use than ETH with all the same functionality and then some. They are basically making Pulse into what ETH is trying to get to. And they've already got a ton of devs working on building projects on Pulse. ETH is just too damned expensive. Not only is it killing small investors, it's killing development as well.

So, like I said, it's a massive undertaking with lots of moving parts and no real roadmap because it's never been done.

The one thing that should be a constant though is HEX. If nothing else works, the HEX on Pulsechain should continue to hum along as the one on the ETH chain is doing. The only difference will be that transactions will be very, very cheap. We'll see....

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta