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RE: Daily Crypto Markets Live Blog: Crypto Markets Continue To Bleed Red (11/19/21)

in LeoFinance3 years ago

I've got one out there for 999 HIVE. The rest I'm just HODLing. Who knows if and when they'll ever turn into anything. And, realistically, by the time they do, 100 HIVE may be worth $1000 so it may be better to just get what you can get right now.

In the meantime, like I said, I'll wait to see if marky finds some use-cases for these in games or whatever. There are some pretty big players who bought and are NOT selling so....hopefully they know something I don't.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


That is my thinking.

And if the value of that Hive you mentioned is $1000, then the Punks on Hive might be worth a lot more than they are now.

To get to that point, think of the number of people it will require.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta