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RE: LeoThread 2023-05-15 12:05

in LeoFinancelast year

U know it’s a 🐻 market when you’re used to seeing your voting % hover around 75% and then all of a sudden it’s always around 85-90% bc so many people have given up on posting content since the rewards are down. They’ll be back eventually ⏳


It is more predictable than the weather.

Bear markets, the masses leave; bull they return.

It is the same story on Hive everytime.

Sad but true. We’ve seen this time and time again. Thankfully there will always be those of us who don’t give up on this just because we aren’t pulling in as much earning-wise. There’s so much more to this stuff than $

Nope. We keep stacking and growing. By the way, glad you made it to Leothreads. I hadnt seen you posting on here @daltano.

not sure why I don’t venture over here more often. I’ll try to make more regular appearances bc I’ve always got something to say and short form is way easier for spur of the moment thoughts.

Yeah and there is a lot of activity forming now. We are seeing the number of users increasing so there could be some massive engagement for you.

It is tough to engage with long form content.

I always consume short content when on my iPhone. Currently I’m using the browser inside of Keychain mobile . Is there a better way to go about it? I also don’t don’t like how regular notifications get shown on my threads notifications

I am on desktop. The new UI has fair bit of bugs especially on mobile. They are taking May to exterminate all they can before adding more features.

At this time it is all in notifications. Breaking it out would be a nice feature.

great to see you fren, hope you have been well

been busy trying to maintain, but life is good.

glad to hear it, still free from work slavery?

yes! Had to start doing some Instacart to make up for crypto taking a massive 💩 but thankfully have been able to manage so far. Saw one of my old coworkers yesterday and he seemed so depressed. It was sad to witness

fuck yeah dude. i've been grinding super hard starting up an amazon business. it's so worth it. fuck slavery.

that’s what’s up! I’ve got a buddy who started with Amazon a few years ago and now it’s equal to his main income & he’s a freaking lawyer. Keep at it!

hell yeah, i've gotten into some discord groups with other amazon sellers. people making insane money working a few hours a week once they get going

well, it is expected. People are not grounded and are swayed by the market. Fortunately for those who stay back to build. They will be smiling at the bank in a couple of years.

it’s easy to lose focus if your main objective is shattered momentarily. Im that’s why it’s best it have many more reasons outside of profit to create content. These markets separate passion from greed.

For instance, creating valuable friendships. The reasons most of us are here is because we have bonded with certain people and group(s). Leaving would be difficult.

exactly! You nailed it bro.

Not true of the upvote cartels though... it means very little to them...