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RE: I'm with @edicted, taking the loss

in LeoFinance3 years ago

I am currently focused mainly on that CUB-BUSD stack of Leo Pancakes. So you think that is the best one to be in? Also here is your !BEER my friend, thank you for the link you send me earlier.


That's the one I'm in, yep. In retrospect I am fairly certain it has been the best, and still right now at 2.91% vs 0.82% in the Den (4x better). If CUB moons then the impermanent loss could cause it to take a hit, but in that case I'm going to be too happy with the value of my CUB to be complaining that I lost a few percent not exiting sooner.

It can't moon so fast that I won't have time to move it to the Den, and I'm happy with a bit of hedging in BUSD.