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RE: The Ultimate Savings Account.

in LeoFinance2 years ago

I agree with everything you write.

I have been putting a little in the HBD savings everyday, because I do think having a rock solid safe space is a good idea, but most of the rest I make goes to other things, including LEO and CUB.

I have thought about selling my PolyCUB to buy more CUB, but I haven't pulled the trigger on that idea yet, so far just putting everything into xPolyCUB.

Anyway, I am betting heavy on the LEO ecosystem, most of all CUB.


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Trading everything I can to CUB is a strategy for me, not what will work for everyone. If I had done this earlier, and positioned myself better I'd be staking XPOLYCUB like a mad man, but I dropped the ball and didn't wake up to it early enough.

Gotta get my diamond paws back.

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