High Inflation and Hive

in LeoFinancelast year (edited)

Hello friends, since the change of government in April 2022, inflation has rose to a record high in my country.

According to a report by ALJAZEERA shared back on 2 June, 2023, Pakistan’s annual inflation rate has risen to 37.97 percent in May, the statistics bureau said, setting a national record for the second month in a row.

According to Bloomberg,

Pakistan's inflation has consistently been over 20% in the last few month. Consumer prices rose 29.40% in June from a year earlier, according to data released by the Pakistan Bureau of Statistics Monday. That compares with a median estimate for a 30.8% gain in a Bloomberg survey and a record 37.97% increase in May.

And this heat of high inflation is being felt by me as well. I work for a public office but sometime I have to skip buying certain things or save some from my monthly salary because of the high prices of goods putting the pressure on my pockets.

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Talking of saving, I am not able to save from my salary. The government need to look into the amount of salaries public office bearers receive amid the growing inflation in the country.

As I don't have any savings from my salary, thanks to Hive for being there. I have been on Hive for some years now and have more than 10k Hive Power collected through consistent participation in the platform. The process for me was very slow but it did matter in the longer run for me collecting this Hive bit by bit.

Since the crypto market is in the bears for a few years now, some people may have left the space while others would simply have joined a side hustle in order to meet their expenses.

Well, you would not want to sell some of your crypto on a lower price but when you need the cash, you probably might have no choice to sell some of your crypto.

That being said, I am grateful that I have some Hive in my wallet which I could cash out for my needs. I have been cashing some Hive not too often in times when the financial situation gotten a bit rough for me and I needed some cash.

Otherwise, I am a guy who like to build a Hive portfolio and get to a point where I can earn a fair amount on a monthly basis from the amount of Hive I have in my wallet.

According to Hivestats, in the last 30 days, I was able to earn 74.23 HP = $25.49 in Author Rewards while my Curation Rewards were 64.49 HP = $22.15 making it $47.64 a month in total.


I know it has been a little tough going seeing my posts ain't making much these days but at least it matters for me earning a side income besides working in a public office.

Probably if I could devote more time to Hive I might be making more but life ain't only about money. You have to give time your family and friends and also to your health. Its important to involve yourself in some physical activities like go out for a walk, running, go to gym, swim etc.

On a lighter note:

I also made an offer to @acidyo in response to his post, being his physical instructor. No problem buddy, you can pay me in HBD :P

But anyway, I am grateful to have been able to collect some extra income from a platform like Hive which of course has helped me and is helping me in terms of a financial need.

Thanks for bearing with me.

Follow me:
Hive: @decoding
Twitter: www.twitter.com/decoding1011
Discord: decoding#9631

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