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RE: Welche Tipps gibt man sich eigentlich unter Reichen?/ What tips do rich people actually give each other?

in LeoFinance2 months ago

You're absolutely right. I offer everyone to follow my blog and learn something to become a little richer themselves.

But for the envious, it's just easier to badmouth the successful instead of painstakingly acquiring knowledge.

I always say that you have to invest 1000 hours to understand investing. Very few people have this stamina.

In my eyes, envious people are all socialists.


The latter is an interesting perspective ... I would think it takes at least 100 hours to really understand socialism ... I've read Marx and he is not a lightweight ... or do you mean that envious people tend to favor socialist policy?

I think socialism can be explained in one sentence.

Gleichschaltung by the state, maximum influence of the state. The particular experiment with divided Germany clearly showed that communism/socialism cannot prevail against capitalism.

We could discuss this topic for hours 😇😉