
You know, "I want to thank You for posting this"!
My family in New Jersey wants Me to move back there, and it is where I lived until 16/17 - and really except a short time (18 months) in the late 90's have not tried it again.
I was and am skeptical about trying it again. To listen to them talk it is like it is "almost good to get nowhere"..???
And the more I talk to "anybody" it seems that although "Texas" is a rough, rough place" - though luckily again I live on an island close to Mexico...
Texas is probably better! Everything is cheaper, "Everything"!
And "a bit more freedom".
New Jersey is a Great Place, really it is - but you need $10,000.00 a month to see it.
Thanks again for the input as I am thinking about anything anyone says about this. I do have an apartment on reserve there for the spring - and really I may cancel!
Have a Very Blessed and Safe day and Thanks Again!

Now I see why My other Uncle lives in Houston. We don't talk much but he doesn't complain like his younger brother does.

You have an apartment in Texas?

Well I was sharing a house in the beach with friends...
That has pretty much fallen apart.. As one said I was tricked...
So I was thinking New Jersey just to get away, but I hear from everyone not to do it so...
I may look for one here after all...

Hmmm.... Thoughtful 🤔. Wait ... Tricked? I'm intrigued on what that means ya know

I "thought" I was sharing a house with a friend..
I kept the lawn mowed and did "many" minor repairs on the house.
Then I was told that this person's "son" was about to be homeless, and needed a place.. I said "OK"...
Well he then moved in his kid, the Mom moved to Montana and then Kentucky..
Now I am their problem. And my original "friend" sides with them, after I gave $$$ ($4500) so they could move on, but no I have to move on...
That is the short story, there is other parts of course - but it doesn't make them look better at all.
The worst part is that it was a trick if I think back was done in steps, right before my eyes! 👀
Totally unexpected!
Enough of that!
Wishing You a Marvelous Awesome New Years!

That must have been awful. I'm so sorry. It's best we do move on. I'm glad you're done now. Moving huh? I may not have gotten it before but you've decided on a place right?

Not 100% sure, as I said it's between Here and New Jersey..
Still thinking..🤔

I forgot...
I live on the south side of Corpus Christi,
On a very small Island by Padre Island, 4 hours
away from Houston

I understood nothing of that address but I love it. Like speaking vinglish😆


Hahahahha. Yeah😆
I'm Nigerian. Live in Nigeria.

I just meant when You mentioned Your uncle lived in Houston, and that I live about 200+ miles south of him - on an Island next to Padre Island.

Okay. I've never been to Houston so I don't know. On my bucket list. When I graduate I'd travel

I did the same - sort of, good idea!

Oh dear, I hope he finds a better abode and location to live more comfortably.