Source of income, money disciples and price control policy

in LeoFinance2 years ago

Hello Hive

To gain financial freedom in Nigeria its either you have a job that pays in dollars or leave this country for good



Yesterday marked the very first day I visited the market for some shopping and ended up buying almost nothing bringing back home the money I took to buy things with.

It wasn't funny even though it was the festive period and we are used to these price hikes at these times, but what I meet was quite outrageous and I had to make a rethink and consider some of the things I called needs as no longer necessary.
Anything that has an alternative no longer needs to be bought and I keep telling myself about ways i will use to improvise for such.

Its no longer funny anymore that there is no price control system at all, and traders sell goods based on the amount they dim fit.

Thinking about how our naira keeps sinking in value is depressing and working tirelessly to save tones of it will never bring anybody out of poverty.

We have a government system that has plunged the country into so much dept and keeps borrowing more in the name of countries development but ends up as embezzling these funds into their personal pockets.

It will be a thing of shame if am been held on account of these debt in the future to payback money I had no idea of how it was borrowed or spent or give an account of this mismanagement by our government.

An escape route for any Nigerian is to have a job that pays in dollars o leave this country for good

A couple of my friends have online jobs where they can be writers and editors for companies or people in need of their skills, these jobs are done and delivered online and most of the payment made in dollars.

This way they can generate a huge chunk that can meet their needs after converting to naira.

You have to be ICT inclined to do these jobs including network marketing and all other online jobs.

Leaving the country

A thousand and one challenges comes with leaving the country, Visa processing and passport creation are so technical and can frustrate just anybody, these things aren't completed in short periods else everyone would have found an escape out of this Sh*t hole.

Outside the country, for an average educated person with a high school certificate all you can do is some menial jobs but even at that, these jobs pays you even higher than what your university degree will earn you Here. Been a house help will give you a life than been a banker here, many will opt for these opportunities if they were easy to come buy. ​

We would also have folks who will venture into two or multiple jobs to up their income in no time when the strength and zeal to work is available.

For all the time one lives and works in this country, you have to be financially disciplined, and have multiple source of income to avoid financial crisis or run into debt.


Having hopped around the world a bit, not as a rich person but as a worker...
I can understand what You are saying.
Here it really isn't different, I live in a cheap area with "OK" wages, though I do not work per se'.
But if you live in New Jersey, like the rest of my family between taxes and costs - it is "unbelievable"!
Wishing You a better and prosperous 2022!

My Uncle lives in New Jersey and it is just awful the conditions he is subjected to with his family. He doesn't complain much but I Know better

You know, "I want to thank You for posting this"!
My family in New Jersey wants Me to move back there, and it is where I lived until 16/17 - and really except a short time (18 months) in the late 90's have not tried it again.
I was and am skeptical about trying it again. To listen to them talk it is like it is "almost good to get nowhere"..???
And the more I talk to "anybody" it seems that although "Texas" is a rough, rough place" - though luckily again I live on an island close to Mexico...
Texas is probably better! Everything is cheaper, "Everything"!
And "a bit more freedom".
New Jersey is a Great Place, really it is - but you need $10,000.00 a month to see it.
Thanks again for the input as I am thinking about anything anyone says about this. I do have an apartment on reserve there for the spring - and really I may cancel!
Have a Very Blessed and Safe day and Thanks Again!

Now I see why My other Uncle lives in Houston. We don't talk much but he doesn't complain like his younger brother does.

You have an apartment in Texas?

Well I was sharing a house in the beach with friends...
That has pretty much fallen apart.. As one said I was tricked...
So I was thinking New Jersey just to get away, but I hear from everyone not to do it so...
I may look for one here after all...

Hmmm.... Thoughtful 🤔. Wait ... Tricked? I'm intrigued on what that means ya know

I "thought" I was sharing a house with a friend..
I kept the lawn mowed and did "many" minor repairs on the house.
Then I was told that this person's "son" was about to be homeless, and needed a place.. I said "OK"...
Well he then moved in his kid, the Mom moved to Montana and then Kentucky..
Now I am their problem. And my original "friend" sides with them, after I gave $$$ ($4500) so they could move on, but no I have to move on...
That is the short story, there is other parts of course - but it doesn't make them look better at all.
The worst part is that it was a trick if I think back was done in steps, right before my eyes! 👀
Totally unexpected!
Enough of that!
Wishing You a Marvelous Awesome New Years!

I forgot...
I live on the south side of Corpus Christi,
On a very small Island by Padre Island, 4 hours
away from Houston

I understood nothing of that address but I love it. Like speaking vinglish😆

I just meant when You mentioned Your uncle lived in Houston, and that I live about 200+ miles south of him - on an Island next to Padre Island.

Oh dear, I hope he finds a better abode and location to live more comfortably.

I can imagine what you mean and hope that all goes well with us.

Thank you and may we have a reason to live in financial freedom away from lack in the coming year.

I have been with Hive since day one, I did take 6 months off this year, but I am now back (one month). I think this whole Hive thing is going to take off like a rocket 🚀🚀🚀
In 2022!
Blessings to You and glad You're aboard!

Thank you so much, you are really encouraging and welcoming and am glad to have come across you.

Absolutely the same here!
Be Blessed - Always!

My dear, you can say that again ooo
The outrageous increase in price of commodities coupled with the fact that salaries remains stagnant, it is really terrible.

For those of us who own little businesses, inflation is really telling on us, the best way is either to leave or look for other income sources where you can earn in dollars.

I am deeply ashamed of my own government.
Inflation hasn't hit us as hard yet, but it will come to Germany, soon.

I am also constantly thinking about leaving the country, but there is nowhere to run to.

Oh, it seems am not the only one in these shoes.
The only way out is to get stinking riches and live above inflation.
But when and how can one achieve that...
I have often heard that money is scares only to those who don't have it, those with it in abundance do not have any of these our experiences, but how do we get there and with honesty wealth too?.

Its not funny oo..
The way the thing be ehn..
Na to find way cover head oo

The absolute absence of price control is freaking funny.

Hope you can stay at your homeplace and live in peace bro.