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RE: A little something on the side

in LeoFinance3 years ago

The last two years have convinced me that I can no longer work for anyone. The more you try, the more they exploit you, and you are usually paid the same as those who don't worry much. And it’s not just a matter of money, there’s something in humanity as well. (I'm probably living at the wrong time.) So, to protect my family, I decided to work from home, for myself. If I have projects, great, and if I don’t I will be patient. And look at the miracles, now they ask how much they should pay.
I adore HIVE. One day it may be my only obligation. For now, that is impossible.


I do both - I work as an employee and also have my own business. The employed job is full time, but it is my side-gig, my business my main and HIVE and crypto out-perform them both - depending on the season :)

Hopefully, in time, a lot of people will be able to earn decent incomes on Hive.