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RE: There's simply no time

in LeoFinance2 months ago

It's tough trying to help people, and I get it if you have no time and you see the same cycles (with people) happening over and over, but I think it's still important to the crypto community as a whole to be welcoming and helpful. Just pick your battles, which I guess in essence is what you're saying. A lot of my friends are total non crypto people and I just naturally don't get into conversations about it with them, others who are into it or are interested I talk about it and have conversations. I have a friend who I met recently that I really get along with well, we were chatting the other day and it turns out he is super into crypto, like way more than me, like he's a whale in a few communities, and he made all kinds of time for my questions, was legitimately stoked to hear me interested and wanted to help. I really appreciated that, and I think that attitude can be super helpful, but again, I get it if it's just become too much for you, I think that's fair to be honest.