How I know BTC

in LeoFinance3 years ago

May be last 10 years I think, not remember well. Actually I start to know BTC because of MMM Global. Most of the old people may know this MMM Global. We invest on this MMM. Not many amount just 50$ of BTC. At the time the price of BTC is not big and huge. If I collect some amount of BTC daily I will be boos today. (Just Kidding)

I'm not lucky at that time. My first time of BTC base online earning isn't smooth. MMM Global is scam. When I prepared to help out my profit amount but at the time MMM is scam. So bad. But this amount is enough amount I can lose for. I always think and plan for safe. I fail in first step. I disappointed myself but I get many lesson form this failure.

I still for while, should I leave or not from online earning (cryptocurrency). At first time I think I should leave but I think carefully and deeply. This isn't the right choice. Why I leave? Why I can't back my lose money form other way (legal way). Because of this thought I will still on the online earning and cryptocurrency environment.

I fail but why can't learn form fail. If fall why can't get up. Now a day I know a little about cryptocurrency. I interesting in writing, reading. But I'm not good in English. Please forgive my weakness. Thank You all.
Take care.


Don Don

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