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RE: Another milestone reached: 10,000 Hive earned through curation only

in LeoFinance2 years ago

Congratulations! That is awesome! I am so thrilled for you and honestly, you hustle, so you deserve it! I will openly admit, I don't know the first thing about curating nor do I know how.

I know. I know. I should, but, I don't.

But, I didn't come over to tell you that! I just wanted to know that it is a hard-earned and well-deserved milestone! Woo-hoo!


Aww, thank you very much Denise! You always leave such and nice heartwarming comments :) I just checked our your stats and you are currently at some 3,400 HP all time curation rewards, which is not so bad at all!

Thanks again for all the kind words, your support and the tip! Have a lovely weekend :)

You are welcome. That is terrible, my number for curation, but, you are kind. I am not even sure how to curate? I mean, how do they define it and what counts?

Curating is basically just upvoting posts and comments. There used to be several factors from which the efficiency (and rewards) of your curation was calculated but you don´t really need to worry about it as the last hard fork (that took place long months ago) changed the system and now it doesn´t really matter too much what and when you upvote ;) Just upvote what you like and try to do so within the first 24 hours after the publication of the post or comment. After that, the curation rewards diminish slowly...

So weird, that mine would be so low, except because of my schedule, I am mostly late to the party. I use my voting power to the max, not for curation purposes, but, to reward good posts.

But, yes, I will have to focus on trying to get places a little earlier. Thanks for that. I appreciate it.

My pleasure :)

And I upvote more comments nowadays than posts it seems.