Just one moon more

in LeoFinance3 years ago

Crypto has really been going crazy over the last few months.

LEO is up to $1.15, hive crossed over 40 cents, BTC has topped $61,000

Posted by @darkflame

I think now is the time to think critically.

What are your financial goals?

Do you want to die with your bags? Or is there some price at which you will sell them and invest in your future, or physical productive capacity?

Perhaps buy some land, attend university or start your own business.

What are all the gainz for?

(not safe for work, foul language!)

Will you party on a boat? Or will you plant some trees around your new property?


Is this the new world we have all been waiting for? Are financial markets about to get free-er and fairer, more open and available? Lower fees?

I really hate fees.


I am thinking deeply about starting a hostel for international visitation and exploration. To manage a hostel would be a type of dream job for me.

I want to grow wood, timber, handles and posts, and have been researching a lot about growing medicinal gourmet mushrooms as well, which are wood eaters..

What will you do with 'one more moon'?

Answer me and I will nominate you for some Hive Stake Based Income units.

Freedom and Friendship

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


I am going to buy a Starship. Jk I will probably hang out with my friend in Kenya.
Maybe I will fly the starship there and land it just outside Nairobi for effect.


I was going to say ticket to Mars but my own Starship sounds even better.

Does space tourism really interest you? I hope you blog about it but I'll stay here in my garden 😅

This is awesome, to go to Nairobi, with or without a starship, is a great goal!

Hahaha, memories with that song. Locally when that was still fairly recent, we had the "balloon boy" incident, where the parents pretended - and got a whole lot of media attention for hours - that they had been doing some science experiment with their kids involving a weather balloon and that one of the kids had climbed in and floated away. For hours the news helicopters were following the balloon around, etc. We were all glued to our TVs thinking some poor little kid was a thousand feet up in a balloon. He was in a box in the attic. The family tried to pretend it was all a misunderstanding and they didn't know, but it turned out the dad had put the kid up to it - when interviewed, the little boy let slip "Dad said we were doing it for the show." because he didn't actually understand. They had previously been on a reality TV show and wanted to be famous and it was all a stunt that they thought would get them more media attention. Well it did - for an afternoon.
Anyway, someone did a parody "I'm in a box" song. ;)

To answer the question, if I could earn a living with crypto, that would be FAB. :D Ultimately I'd like a little house with a yard I could garden/food forest/permaculture/cultivate, and to help my community, and make community, for that matter. :)

Spring is almost here! Are there any intentional communities around your area?

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

There is only one that I know of, way out in BFE, that is currently being targeted by bigots because trans people live there. Like, they're in danger kind of targeting. Chatter about them online and people sneaking onto the property and stuff.

For me, it would mean a little less worries about money. And if I could have financial freedom in a way that I wouldn't have to worry about money at all that would mean more happiness and being able to start a dream. It would mean that my partner could quit his shitty job, and start working for himself. Turning wood into beautiful useable products, chasing his own dreams. I could go back into photography, and we even could do some day trips with the dogs without having to worry about some extra costs. But I'm sure I need more than 'one more moon'.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Good to know what you are working towards!

What is the specific next step/goal for you on the path to financial freedom?

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

The first step would be that I can invest enough in projects that give a return. And that there would be so much return that I could take a small part for myself every month and still have enough left over to reinvest so that it can grow. And not like now, just getting together enough of what I then have to pull out again to pay a bill ... and not have anything left for myself, or even to think about growing investments.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

A piece of land would be nice, Maybe 5-10 acres maybe if these bull runs keep up that can be true.

Start looking now for a motivated seller or some perfect property for you situation!

yo estoy estudiando gracias a Leo y no pienso gastar en otra cosa por lo I am studying thanks to Leo and I do not plan to spend on anything else at least where I live, it would be wasting money
cub and leofinance are a good long-term investment for me

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

aprender usar estas tecnologias es una inversión importante!!

Fairly new the the wide world of crypto so my assets are minimal, My HIVE constitutes my largest holding as it stands. For Now I'll Hold on this run. Eventually I guess my goal is to make enough money to make a difference. I tend to think in available time/resources. Helping someone out can be Free and it can be expensive. Someday I hope to be able to do it without worrying about finances and instead focus on need.

Who knows with enough time and effort we can do something special, something that makes a Difference. As a community and as individuals.

Nice Post, me imma hoarder, so HODL for now

I have been thinking pretty hard on this. I have price targets and times in mind for selling. If we hit those levels, I would like to dump 1/2 (if things go good) or 1/4 of the bag if things go better and get totally out of debt and buy a nice piece of property for me and my family. I plan on holding some for my grandkids too (hence the quarter or half sell (depending on how good we do this run).

To get out too early is to miss out on more... but getting what you want out of it is also very important. This is a very important article for people with bitcoin fever. Think about what you want and where things need to go to achieve that. We don't want to sink with our bags and have to wait again 4 years. Have a plan.

I got into this in early 2017 and got totally blindsided by the top and the decline. I thought it was going to rebound and it didn't. I held on too long.

This time it is a slow exit at certain levels / times (I'm thinking we are growing for a bit yet) to make sure I am better off at the top.

Thanks for this important thought experiment for people.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I hope you can get your hostel and farm up and running off of wise investing.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I am happy you are more prepared this time! We have come through the crypto winter stronger and smarter than last time!

Never be ashamed to take profits as you go, dream it and do it!

Perhaps buy some land, attend university or start your own business

Buy some land and house. Also having an income stream so I don't have to work anymore. Then I can play games and pursue my hobbies.

I think with HIVE, we can build a decent income stream. So I plan to grow my account and build those income streams with tokens such as LBI and DHEDGE. I like the idea of compound growth so I plan to always leave some of it to work for me.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

How will anyone be able to enjoy any amount of money considering what this world is becoming.

First and foremost my budget will be spent on enactment of social change.

Without which we may have no freedom.

That may depend on where you live, but 'what this world is becoming' could be something very positive!

What sort of social change will you enact, and how will you use money to do it?

Where do you live? And what sort of freedoms do you enjoy at present? Just curious...

I'd support a campaign for a truly democratic leader. I'd support alternatives to mainstream social networks. I'd support the activist legal representatives helping the people retain their common law rights in a fast encroaching totalitarian state. I'd create advertising campaigns for change with educatory material on common misconceptions of society.

Thank you @ecoinstant, for using the CO2 Compensation Coin (COCO / SWAP.COCO) on Steem-Engine or on Hive-Engine to reduce your CO2 footprint. You want to join? Buy some COCO / SWAP.COCO and transfer them to CO2Fund's account @co2fund.

Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 48 of my contest just started...you can now check the winners of the previous week!

Looking forward to a CUB moon... going to be awesome if it is anything like UNI.

but what will you do with it?

If we get two moons... then im going to MARS, where they actually have two moons!