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RE: Just one moon more

in LeoFinance3 years ago

Hahaha, memories with that song. Locally when that was still fairly recent, we had the "balloon boy" incident, where the parents pretended - and got a whole lot of media attention for hours - that they had been doing some science experiment with their kids involving a weather balloon and that one of the kids had climbed in and floated away. For hours the news helicopters were following the balloon around, etc. We were all glued to our TVs thinking some poor little kid was a thousand feet up in a balloon. He was in a box in the attic. The family tried to pretend it was all a misunderstanding and they didn't know, but it turned out the dad had put the kid up to it - when interviewed, the little boy let slip "Dad said we were doing it for the show." because he didn't actually understand. They had previously been on a reality TV show and wanted to be famous and it was all a stunt that they thought would get them more media attention. Well it did - for an afternoon.
Anyway, someone did a parody "I'm in a box" song. ;)

To answer the question, if I could earn a living with crypto, that would be FAB. :D Ultimately I'd like a little house with a yard I could garden/food forest/permaculture/cultivate, and to help my community, and make community, for that matter. :)


Spring is almost here! Are there any intentional communities around your area?

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

There is only one that I know of, way out in BFE, that is currently being targeted by bigots because trans people live there. Like, they're in danger kind of targeting. Chatter about them online and people sneaking onto the property and stuff.