Double Agent: Don't Be a Hero...

in LeoFinance3 years ago


Every once and a while my delusions of persecution and grandeur kick into high gear. Everyone wants to be a super hero. Everyone wants more power. Everyone wants to be greater than they were before, and the definition of said greatness varies widely from opinion to opinion.

Dat god complex doe.

It's one thing to have power, but it's a completely different matter entirely when considering how that power is wielded. Those without power are often delude themselves into thinking that the world would be so much better if they were in charge. Completely ignoring the fact that the more things change: the more they stay the same. Absolute power corrupts absolutely. How much longer will we keep making the same mistakes before we choose another path?


When I was much younger my dad and my friend's mom would take turns dropping me and a group of friends off at Great America, a theme park bordering San Jose. One time we spent like an hour just sitting on a bench watching kids try to pick up a quarter we super glued to the ground. Sometimes they would fall over. It was hilarious: we were unbelievably toxic pieces of shit I assure you. Life's too short to not fuck with people, amirite?

In any case, one time when my dad dropped us off he gave us a little peptalk: something my friends and I will likely never forget. It was just a little speech reminding us that we should stay safe and whatnot, you know, typical helicopter parenting type stuff: worrying about things that in all likelihood will never happen. But today my father took it to an entire new level of absurdity:

Don't be a hero...
... If you see any bombs, don't try to diffuse them.

Now I know that sounds like a metaphor, and it certainly might have been given the circumstances, but given the other context of this rousing speech the consensus was pretty clear: he was being literal. If you LITERALLY see a bomb don't LITERALLY try to diffuse it. Thanks for the advice dad, what would we ever do without you?


I'll never forget the contorted faces of my friends as they stared in disbelief at the absurdity of this situation, trying as hard as they could so suppress the hysterical laughter that ensued after my dad was out of earshot.

This was all long before mass-shootings were a common occurrence, so the notion that we'd be in any real and simultaneously avoidable danger was ridiculous. As if we needed such advice anyway... even in the event that something actually happened such a conversation would have zero sway on future action.


To be fair, people have died there

A man trying to retrieve a cap from under the tracks of a high- speed roller coaster was struck and killed yesterday in a bizarre accident at Paramount's Great America amusement park in Santa Clara.

In 1998 someone climbed a chain-link fence to retrieve their hat they lost on the Top Gun ride, a roller coaster where your legs dangle below you. While you're in line it references the movie a lot with Tom Cruise. It reaches speeds up to 50 miles an hour and the G-force is actually high enough begin blacking out on one of the steeper dips.

Apparently the ride dips so low at that part and goes so fast that his guy got hit in the head by a girl's leg, shattering her shin and killing the guy trying to get his hat. Crazy stuff.

What's the point?

Both my parents are rule-following book-smart nerds. Likely in spite of that I took a turn in the opposite direction. I used to be quite the rule follower myself and perhaps in some ways the brainwashing I received during my formative years is still lingering in the background as I rage against it.

Yeah, but what's the point?

The point is that my dad's advice wasn't the worst advice. This isn't the movies, heroes wind up dead. Champions of the people have a short lifespan. When the people rise up and parade their champion for all to see: the head of said rebellion always gets cut off. Best to avoid such a path if possible. This is where I would normally list like a dozen+ people who were outright murdered or died suspiciously, but I'll spare you this time. Use your imagination or look it up.


History has been repeating itself over and over again. Honorable dingbats like Ned Stark end up dead in Season 1 and it's really nobody's fault but their own. You play the game of thrones, or you die. Simple.


And these facts of politics and power shifts really put all of us in an awkward position. No one gets to play hero anymore. Rather than centralized leadership rising up to represent the Swarm of consensus, we have to collectively agree on the path forward without leaders in play. Leaders are a thing of the past.


You can't kill an idea.

Therefore our ideas and consensus itself must lead the way, decentralizing all attack vectors as the earthquake of disruption ravages the powers that be and forces them to lash out and show the world who they really are.

And who are they?

They are the people who are going to coerce everyone to get a new COVID vaccine every six months. They are the ones who will enforce immunization passports, a concept that was considered ridiculous conspiracy theory just months ago. They are the ones who willfully forget these facts and pretend like they never happened. They are the ones who come forward openly and say you're going to own nothing but don't worry: you'll be happy. As if we were already happy with the way things were going already... nice try.

Or not!

The future is very uncertain and unpredictable.
The world has a way of surprising you.
It's never as bad as the conspiracy theorists say it will be.
Even if it usually is pretty bad regardless.
Greed ruins everything.

But even barring the Q-Anon bullshit:

The world is already, today, a pretty verifiably messed up place. This is an uncontested fact. This has always been and will always be a scaling issue. Trust/honor is in short supply, and only just recently have we started to pay a premium to the suppliers. Before crypto, the most profitable thing to do was the exact opposite of society's ideals. #fsociety


And truly not a single one of us is immune to said greed, which is why we all have to move forward together as the Swarm we were meant to be. Unfortunately I still haven't detailed my plans for my silly little "cult" idea (aka fake religion). Obviously a cult that calls themselves a cult doesn't take themselves too seriously. I'll get around to it.



But what I'm trying to get at here is that even if we want to be champions of the people and have the power to do so, even if we have the opportunity to "be the hero": we shouldn't do it. When you're at the top, ya gotta play the politics game, or get run over by the big boys.

Simultaneously networks like Hive will have to pose as the champions of the people; a provider of good jobs and fair governance; while also catering to the legacy system.

Wink Wink (looks at the peasants):

These dinosaurs are so stupid: they are going extinct.
They don't even realize they've signed their own death warrant!

Wink Wink (looks to elite):

These peasants are so stupid: we will financially enslave them in the new system just like we've done for generations. The audacity that this time would be any different! We are going to make a fortune.

Like any political maneuvering, both sides must be catered to and appeased to get the desired results. Politicians are the ultimate double-agents.


There will be no Utopia/Dystopia.

Never has and never will be.
Change is the only constant.
The quest for balance should be our goal.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Leaders are a thing of the past.

Hierarchies existed before humans ever walked the planet, and continue to this day.
That's the reality.('liking it' or 'not liking' it, is irrelevant)
Changingthis reality is akin to king Canute and his tidal escapades...

Like any political maneuvering, both sides must be catered to and appeased to get the desired results. Politicians are the ultimate double-agents.

I agree.
This is direct opposition to the line 'leaders are thing of the past'.
Politicking is the 'hierarchical jostling for power'.

How do you reconcile the disregarding of one reality ('leaders' and hierarchy), while accepting the reality of the other paradigm (politics is real)...?



The reconciliation occurs because all these concepts operate on a four-dimensional spectrum.
We are entering the age of automation, and governance is being automated.
This is not a thing that happens overnight.
It takes decades.

So if I say something like "leaders and politics" are a thing of the past, these are the words of a person living decades into the future. Bit by bit, automation will chip away at the vast majority of jobs out there. Doesn't mean they all disappear in an instant.

Those who bridge the gap between the legacy economy and this weird open-source economy are going to find themselves in extreme positions of power. Contrary to the old system, the more fairly and honorably they wield that power will determine how long they able to hold that position. It's gonna be weird when the politicians of the future are only half-trash instead of full-trash.

Please mention if you're 'going quantum'.
It'll save me time from doing that 'thinking' thing

Lord Xenu recommends that you continues using your meat computer.

'Half-trash politicians' does have a nice ring to it

Sorry - this was full reply -my internet is farting, also lol..

"politics are real?"
They're like the unicorns and fairies, one has to really believe first to see they exist

Politics - ie the interaction of power play between human beings - is real.
The child that plays the mum off, against the dad, is politics in action.
You don't need to believe it exists to see it in action.

Legitimacy (or illegitimacy) is not a pre-requsite to the hierarchy. It being a reality that expresses itself throughout nature.

She gives no shits whether we follow or not.Yet she gives all sorts of farts for disobedience

Exactly. ....Yet the last 5 decades or so, has seen a growing attraction in wanting to smell her farts.

Legitimacy (or illegitimacy) is not a pre-requsite to the hierarchy being a reality

I believe that many people try to be heroes out of instinct or for fear of not being a hero being branded as a villain.

The famous dichotomy that many believe that there are only two ways, you are either good or evil, or you are Democratic or Republican (or in the Brazilian version: you either vote for Lula or vote for Bolsonaro), and so on.

The famous third way, which changes each year where it is going should be treated as an idea, and not a person or a modus operandi that should always be followed.

Don't be a hero, don't be a villain. be you. Make a difference any way you can.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I’m not going to lie; I 100% voted this as an emotional nostalgic response to the Spy vs Spy photo.

You had me at Spy vs Spy. 😂

Yeah, this made me remember 20 year ago, when i bought mad comics

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Oh man I loved those!

Spoken like true double agent.
Sometimes we get delusional about certain ideas and embrace them blindly. Quest for balance seems to be the right approach.

Being a hero is best done by accident, imo. When we start to see ourselves as some kind of central character in a story, we can really lose perspective. I'm a big fan of living by principles, being humble, and taking a long-term view. Working towards great things is easier when we don't get caught up in our ego games... and not being infatuated with clout or popularity helps enable "security via obscurity"

the same thing happened to someone at the amusement park near me a couple year's ago. ..dude was45, should have known better.
i guess cell phone addiction is real.

i wonder if you get remorse/ptsd if yr leg happens to take off someone's head?

very sad though...i would say, if it can't wait till park closing, get on your belly and crawl.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

One time we spent like an hour just sitting on a bench watching kids try to pick up a quarter we super glued to the ground.

That’s fun that never gets old. Almost 40 years ago I knew a couple that ran a tiny hole-in-the-wall “greasy spoon” breakfast and lunch place. Just a counter with stools, not even room for tables.

Back then, cigarette machines were still common. They superglued a quarter to the linoleum floor right where quarters might fall from the returned change slot. 90% of the customers were regulars so knew all about it. But that 10% of newbies never failed to elicit chuckles when they went to pick up the quarter.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I sometimes ask myself if this artificial intelligence thing will be able to catch up with real politics, the one humans use for their nefarious purposes, and if that time comes, will machines make our same mistakes and engage in the free exercise of hypocrisy to benefit themselves or please sides?

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Spot on got one of those cool shiver reading down. I think all the narrative is gonna shift subsequently. And I'm happy for it, all narrative where the chosen one show em off slip out of my mind. Games of thrones that you cite put on display all the burden that a leader must and endure and the same is with kings, revolution leaders and all the tops. We gotta have a better, more creative solution to this. Yes storytelling is easier to write this way, politics are easier to grasp when there's the one on charge to blame but how slow is this system? how efficent? We are better off trying a more friendly and shared expirience. If I stop to think about it right now other then the hard to predict natural catastrophe(wich we can work towards) we have nothing to worry about till the eventual death of the sun, so if we stop waging wars to each other and on the planet we can take it slowly and make the best assessed choices.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I'm a big fan of living by principles, being humble, and taking a long-term view. Working towards great things is easier when we don't get caught up in games

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Your post is reblogged and upvoted by me. It is a good post. Thank you @edicted


I’m not going to lie; I 100% voted this as an emotional nostalgic response to the Spy vs Spy photo.

yeah, what she said

but i did read the whole thing anyway - nicely put ;)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

'None wants to build a wall' they said in Germany about Berlin after WW2 :p

I'm really sorry for reaching out in such a manner and I don't like to ask for upvotes and stuff but as I realized that this situation can get drowned out if at all possible this is a subject matter and post that has great importance to me so any support if you believe in the post or me as an individual will be greatly appreciated all the proceeds of this post goes to hivefund anyways. or any place you could recommend I go to in order to get and put this awareness out there would be greatly appreciated It is the last post made.

At the end we are all human and I am using this as a footnote cause this is a subject that I feel like I need to read into as I'm not sure if I am trying to be a "hero" here or make sure that sometimes some things don't get drowned out in the mix of such a massive wave.

So sorry for this quick and first copy pasta post but I will dedicate time to read this in it's entirety and give a more appropriate comment.