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RE: The History Of HIVE Backed Dollar Printing | Issued HBD VS Conversion

in LeoFinance4 years ago

This argument would not even exist if the bank accounts doubled as collateral for creating HBD out of thin air using MakerDAO DeFi standards. A lot of people out there don't see the point of HBD, but you add functionality like that to the platform then HBD becomes an entirely new asset.

Other DeFi platforms charge interest to take out these loans even though they are more than 100% collateralized by the user. They are greedy and leave the door open for Hive to corner the entire market. This is especially relevant as ETH transaction fees spike higher than Bitcoin's and everyone is going kookoo for DeFi. It's a shame the idea has zero momentum behind it. We need more devs :(


Talking about ETH fees .... personal experience to pay back DAI, today.
I decided to just leave it there ... forced to hodl ... lol


Haha I was thinking the same thing but never actually checked... like... it's gonna cost me big time to mess around with my MakerDAO contracts right now. I'm just sitting on them for the time being.