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RE: Shell Shocked: Learning to Capitulate

in LeoFinance3 years ago

In a lot of respects I agree, but I think it is actually much easier to institute martial law with the Kamala administration. The left has already shown they are on board with all the draconian measures being taken in the name of "public safety". They are both puppets, and undermining this "democracy" would only serve to lessen their power... so martial law under Trump makes no sense.

The right is already resisting the draconian measures... if Trump takes over both sides will band together in resistance... that will not be allowed.


Either way they get martial law, but I think this was set up long ago and the really blatant voter fraud (as opposed to the usual more discrete voter fraud) was designed to create civil unrest by the people actually capable of doing something, rather than a bunch of whining libtards, who will end up being the cannon fodder used to bring in the military.

Hell, I'm not even an American but I'm hanging out to see patriots start shooting biden supporters! Even though it's all a script, it's like watching a movie and wanting the masked avenger to take revenge.

Trump is going to be a superhero!
