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RE: Why wrapped Leo has an unfair financial advantage over other ERC20 Tokens

in LeoFinance4 years ago (edited)

Investors can blog here and literally turn their words into Ethereum.

Great point. Ethereum now has access to a yield farming coin that can be harvested in 3 different ways. upvoting (stakeing), blogging & posting, and Uniswap fee-farming.

This is a pretty unique situation, because now Uniswap is our best exchange by a huge margin (say x1000) if one plans to any trade enough volume to justify the $5 gas fees. Smaller purchases can easily be made on HiveEngine.


Ethereum now has access to a yield farming coin that can be harvested in 3 different ways. upvoting (stakeing), blogging & posting, and Uniswap fee-farming.

Sounds like the basis for your next post. 😁

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

An interesting situation would be to create a Uniswap or MakerDao on Hive, with wrapped Ethereum conversion facility somehow connected. Then investors would experience fast free transactions while depositing wrapped Ethereum-hive pairs in that trading pair on “hiveswap”.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta