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RE: SPK Airdrop: Claim and Sit Tight

in LeoFinance2 years ago

Ah yeah I'm sick as well with this super cold I got from Jersey that everyone thinks is COVID but isn't. It's nice to see everything progressing like it is, and it's actually pretty surprising how viable the 3SPEAK system appears to be even if there are a lot of naysayers mucking about.


it is a giant task we set out to do. I knew it wasn't going to be perfect or even pretty at first. SPK Network is progressing, and a lot of headwind has been made in the last few months. I expect something very tangible in the next 6 months. Hope you get well soon mate.

Thanks, you too.

I've been looking for an excuse to buy one of these 16 core Ryzen chips just to see how well it can mine Monero. It might even be worth doing if I can buy a couple beefcake solid state drives and mine SPK at the same time. No idea how financially viable that would be on a PC but would be fun to try anyway.