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RE: Data and thoughts on votes in LeoFinance

in LeoFinance3 years ago

Hear Hear. Such corner at HIVE would be great. What I was saying about LEO, applies to HIVE in general and all the sub-communities and tribes. I also think we shall create a wall-of-shame. This can be a website where we provide at a central location, an aggregated view on what is happening in and around HIVE. Adding service to such central informative website, like teams like hivewatchers are executing through their Discord, and added to that some additional human based governance services, will increase the number of users taking a note of what is happening. The information will be much easier to find and follow, which in the end will drive the culture we like to have which should be much more about being a community with a set of good values which will drive the idea at outsiders to want to be part of HIVE and/or sub-communities and/or tribes, irrespective of the money thing.


What I'm suggesting covers more than just a shit list. I don't want to see what I have in mind placed in a different location. What I'm talking about is as simple as a tag, and when used, that tag disqualifies content from reaching trending on, PeakD, and other platforms catering to the entirety of what's available on chain. Once disqualified from the main section, it can be found in a sub section for INTERNAL content. Easily accessible and open to the public, but not right under their noses, since sometimes things get ugly. Not all things get ugly. The platform politics are necessary but we don't see board room meetings on the trending page of Youtube for a reason. It's all about transparency and recognizing the fact it's counterproductive to rub some of this internal content in the faces of those simply taking interest in what we have to offer. Show them the good, but give us a place to debate openly and freely. The moment you take the showbiz elements away, problems become a lot easier to solve. The posts can still generate income. Sometimes when they get blasted with downvotes, the general public does not need to deal with the eyesore, unless they click the tab leading to the content behind the scenes.

I understand what you are after :) The implementation is simple, just a UI design. That in itself is maybe an 'issue' again, since not all UIs may like to develop something like that. When all the major UIs can start implementing, the rest may follow.

Of topic: For some reason, I never liked Trending channel and I like to see a Random channel, maybe replacing one wit the other. Voiced that multiple times since the last 4 yrs, but none of the UI dev teams seems to like such an idea.

LOL! If you want to see random, just scroll through the most recent published posts. That's about as random as it gets. You can select tags and do it that way as well. A little less random. I like to see what's Trending. But it would be nice if that was a little more organic.

And the amount of times I've repeated suggestions proves its difficult to enact change. That tag I mention though. It could even be added after the fact. "Let's take this outside." "Let's not fight in front of the kids." It just seems like the responsible thing to do. Not all posts are trending because they are 'popular'.

Trending in general I like, but isn't trending at HIVE usually those users with large amounts of auto voters on their posts?
I have little experience with getting into HOT and TRENDING. What noticed a few times when a post of mine got a bit further up, is a whole bunch of additional votes from users I never see on my posts or comments section. I stopped looking at TRENDING more than three years ago. HOT as well. They can skip both of them since they not helping in spreading the rewards to the quality posts on-chain.

The tag is a good idea indeed. But as you also stated: Not easy to change the minds of devs. For instance, I like all the blogging UIs to integrate hivesearcher. But none of them did, except Ececny, the creators of hivesearcher. I believe it was the PeakD team mentioning last HIVEfest" a search function is on the list, but our users are not requesting it. Well, I believe many don't know that a search function already exists, and two, users need to be pushed the search function into their face and slowly they will start using it. Such a shame super posts gets totally lost after a few days already. But also on this front, super easy to integrate, but none dev team does it.

It is kind of absurd so many minds are working on projects, but rarely ever make them play nice with each other. It's so awkward to have to leave a site just to enter in a search where the results take you right back to the site you just left. Just plug in the code and move on. Every advancement is connected in a way where everyone benefits indirectly, but so many want more to themselves. That's life though. You could tell your neighbor it would be wise to chop down that tree for ten years before it finally falls on his house. Then he wants your help to clean it up.

Hahahaha you hit the nail! All this: "we want to do everything ourselves" problem, becomes so clear in the decentralised world of HIVE. No managers to listen to. Maybe some leaders, but they have difficulties being followed.