The mother of all (my) power ups: 200K HIVE reached!

in LeoFinancelast year (edited)


Yesterday was a bit anxious seeing the price of HIVE pumping like that since accumulating more HIVE was on my mind for a while, and today, after seeing the price retracing near the 0,45 zone, decided to pull the trigger and loaded most between 0,46-0,48, deploying my last big batch of stablecoins.

I don't know where the bottom is, and if we have already crossed it... but @lordbutterfly words keep echoing in my mind: '' the risk of not being involved in the market has become too high for me''. I completely identify with this, so... (thx for the heads up, my friend).

This is my biggest powerup ever :

+100,000 HIVE!


Reaching the amazing amount of 200,000 HIVE in it's vested form.

Have a great Sunday... and HIVE ON!


Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


I wish I could call you lucky for being able to powerup that much HIVE but your story of the past bullish cycle is vivid in my memory and can't really call that luck. I'm comforting myself with the idea that maybe the next bear market I will afford to no longer power down everything and build my stake.

Congratulations on your achievement! You REALLY DESERVE IT. At least to me you're a great inspiration. We'll see if I can replicate at leas 1/10th of your past bull market achievement.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Thank you Adrian, truly your words mean a lot since I feel I know you 'from Hive' since ages.

Regarding your goals, and from my own experience it's much better to build one thing at a time, although you have to start somewhere. Forcing yourself to keep at least 20-40% of your rewards could be a good point to start saving some Hive.

Good decision! Congrats.

Thanks erikah ^^

WoW! a great goal achieved! I'm very happy for you (and also a little envious 😁)! congratulations 👏

Thank you :)

Holy crap, you're almost a half-whale!! :)) Congrats! !BEER

Thanks pardinus! wen meetup¿

Now THAT would be a great idea! ;) Open to suggestions, any thoughts?

I have to talk to you thru whatsapp one of these days. Hold up! You will hear from me soon.

Sounds like a plan; will be looking forward to it! Cheers, amigo! !BEER

Hey @empoderat, here is a little bit of BEER from @pardinus for you. Enjoy it!

We love your support by voting @detlev.witness on HIVE .

Not financial advice. :)


Thx for (somewhat) inspiration and deep thoughts the last week.

Usually it's one of those overlooked things, but actually it's a great thing happening here on Hive, shared thoughts can turn into powerful ideas in the mind of someone else.

Have a good week.

Ps. wen freechain?

Ps. wen freechain?

Soon... 😉

Now thats some numbers right there :)

Ty Dalz! :)

my 17 Hive power up looks tiny :P

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Slowly small numbers became big numbers!

Yes. A nice goal to have that is far far away for now.

An impressive amount added.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

One of those that make you feel nervous before pulling the trigger :)

Nice we are basically at the same level.

Just wait until RCs are worth something and you realize you're yield farming bandwidth that everyone wants.

Don't forget to claim your account tokens until then!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I guess I can't since I'm delegating those HIVE to leofinance, so I guess I'm exchanging this bandwitch for some extra apr now.

How many accounts do you own/claimed?

I hit 5000 accounts recently.

It's probably smarter to delegate to LEO.
The return is higher.
And you're donating your accounts to LEO who will actually use them.

Woah... A Big Congrats on this Huge Power up!

Have never seen such numbers before.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Nice one mate :)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Thanks Tarazkp, coming from you means a lot :)

Hey congratulations, bold move!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Thx Karl :)

That makes @trumpman gay! Congrats on the achievement!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

He was already!


Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Thx! And congratz to you 2 for reaching the 15K HP figure, I've been there ;)

Congratulations for reach your goal 🎉

And now... another one in the horizon ... :)


What will be the next goal?

Dang! That's awesome!

Congrats btw!


Thanks bud :)

That's truly awesome! Those numbers are really insane, I hope to be able to do a Power Up like that someday, because I would love to!

Thanks for all the energy, effort and love that you put to the Hive Blockchain everyday!

Gracias Ilaz :) menuda onda positiva me mandas jajaj

Para eso estamos siempre, colega 🙌🏻🔥

Congratulations, that's a sizeable one there.. one can definitely not wait again for the bottom, because I think from now on, we can only move forward.. 100k is huge, congratulations again

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Thanks buddy



Wow, that is an amazing power up, and congratulations. I don't think I will really power up anywhere close to that and I don't think I have seen anyone powerup more than that in 1 transaction.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Me neither, I would have said it was something truly impossible 3-4 years ago.

Once in 2018 dreamed for 10K HP and look now, lol

Excellent and think this is a great move as you cannot go wrong with having stake even if the bottom isn't in yet you will still be making more from the stake.

Hey @empoderat, here is a little bit of BEER from @pardinus for you. Enjoy it!

Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your BEER.


The rewards earned on this comment will go directly to the people( @no-advice ) sharing the post on Twitter as long as they are registered with @poshtoken. Sign up at

Congrats! Impressive amount, even for the bigger accounts around here.

This is the way

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Nice! Good luck!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

This is quite an amazing feat. You are surely an inspiration to us all.

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Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

this is really a great achievement, a big one, staking up hive especially when there is a market dip is really a good choice and have lot of goodies when there is a bull market

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Incredible achievement. Congrats on the fruits of your perseverance and dedication. Most satisfying, I'm sure!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

This huge man!! INCREDIBELY!