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RE: Saturday Savers Club with @susie-saver | Week 17 - Saturday 23 April 2022 | SPI Giveaway! | Win EDS for Comments - everyone welcome!

in LeoFinance2 years ago (edited)

Another week another week of me buying hive index tokens for people selling theirs for cheap. At this rate I will never get back to my regular savings for the year. Every week there have been great deals in the market place. Glad to see so many taking advantage of the great deal with HBD 20% savings that is a great deal for all. You used to be able to
make a great return with d lease but there interest rates available have really gone down.
Gardening has to wait for another week by then the batter half will be home from the
hospital and we can get the seeds in our starter pots. Have a great week all and happy savings



I will never get back to my regular savings ...

😂 😍

so many good opportunities, so few resources!