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RE: LeoThread 2024-05-03 22:37

in LeoFinance29 days ago

I have to stop being active on inLEO in late hours. It has taken toll on my health and affects office time too. I need to sync inleo activity with office time and get rest in late hours.

How do you guys handle online activity routine?


Inleo and Hive time is only during office hours for me. I really like Cal Newport's deep work philosophy which includes shutting down work after a certain time of day, it's really improved the quality of my work and my well-being 🙂

Try to avoid my phone like 1-2h before bedtime and also when Im with family. You need to spend some time irl :)

If it interfares with INLEO, maybe you should break away from office? 😀

it may not be easy for her, due to some monthly income on Leo and her office. Her office may be paying her more than the activities on-chain at the moment. So I would advise her to carry the both of them along until inLeo she grows he account to the point that it pays her about he office salary per month, then she can quite her office job and double her efforts on-chain activities.


Not that powerful yet.

My long form content has not been curated for last 2 days. At that pace office is forever lol.

I can't rely on inLEO.

1alpfa with da gud ideas!

It's a challenge. I spend to much time online but just try to stop an hour before I go to sleep.

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